gas over oil actuator, surface safety valve, wellhead control panel, ball valve actuator gas over oil actuator, surface safety valve, wellhead control panel, ball valve actuator

Zhonghuan, adhering to the standards of API SPEC 6A, API RP 14C, and API RP 14D, has designed and produced wellhead safety systems that are widely used in various regions and countries.

Domestic Applications:Sichuan,Chongqing,Xinjiang,Jilin,Liaoning,Gansu,Henan.

International Applications:United States,Mexico,Uzbekistan,Turkmenistan,Iraq.

Performance,To date, over 3,300 sets of Zhonghuan wellhead control equipment are in operation worldwide.

Zhonghuan is recognized as the first professional manufacturer of Gas Over Oil Actuator in China. The company has received national scientific and technological achievement recognition and has passed domestic certification. Their actuators are applied in various prestigious national projects, including the national pipeline network, PetroChina, Sinopec, and CNOOC.

Domestic Performance:Sichuan and Chongqing,Shaanxi,Shanxi,Henan,Hubei,Jiangxi,Guangxi,Guangdong These projects have garnered high praise from users for their reliability and efficiency.

International Performance:Iran,Iraq,Pakistan,Turkmenistan,Kazakhstan.

Performance:Globally, more than 5,300 sets of Zhonghuan Gas Over Oil actuators are currently in use, showcasing the company's expertise and trusted performance in the field.

Zhonghuan's commitment to adhering to international standards and delivering high-quality, reliable products has positioned them as a leader in the field of wellhead safety systems and Gas Over Oil actuators, both domestically and internationally.
